Pandemic Safety

"Be kind, be calm and be safe."

Dr. Bonnie Henry

Our Provincial Health Officer

Preventing Infection

To protect vulnerable patients and to stop the spread of infection, we are asking all patients and families to not enter the office if they are unwell with symptoms of an infection. These symptoms include:

or if they:

How To Reduce Risks of Infection

Infections by cold viruses, RSV, Influenza, and COVID-19 can be prevented and their impact on individuals and their community can be limited by several measures.

In the office, we have masks for adults and children. Hand sanitizer is available. We limit the number of people in the office and clean all common surfaces between patients. At this time, masks are a personal choice, but may become mandatory if mandated by the Provincial Government. You are welcome to wear a mask if you wish and we will wear them when appropriate.

Information on vaccination is available online from Immunize BC. A good book with detailed information on vaccinations is Your Child's Best Shot by the Canadian Pediatric Society.


COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new virus in the coronavirus family. The virus can cause disease ranging from common cold symptoms to more severe diseases.

If you believe you may have COVID-19 and have mild symptoms, please go to the BC COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment Tool web site for advice on what to do.

If you are ill or at risk for COVID-19 from travel or exposure to someone ill at risk for COVID-19, please call the office to reschedule your appointment or to arrange follow up by phone. We do not have the capability to safely assess or manage patients for COVID-19 at the office.

Further Information on COVID-19
The BC Centre For Disease Control has up-to-date information about COVID-19. Click this link for the BCCDC COVID-19 public information page..